Ally Training

All current UNSW students and staff who are new to the all@UNSW network (and have not completed any previous training at UNSW) are welcome to attend this free, redesigned and highly interactive 2.5-3-hour workshop to become an all@UNSW for LGBTIQ+ communities. Training is run termly in April (in person), July (online) and October (in person). 

This workshop provides a safe space to learn about the lived experiences of people within LGBTIQ+ communities, with a clear focus on the university environment.   

Delivered in an interactive, hands-on format, this workshop helps participants harness their personal strengths to be an active ally@UNSW, by unpacking practical scenarios to enable courageous conversations, address discriminatory behaviours and leverage support services to confidentially assist staff and students within LGBTIQ+ communities. The workshop culminates with a 30-minute lived experience panel conversation with members of the UNSW Ally Steer Co.  

Specifically, the workshop supports staff and students to become active Allies by:  

  • Increasing their understanding of the diverse experiences, unique challenges, impacts of discrimination within LGBTIQ+ communities
  • Strengthening their capacity to apply and educate others on the differences between gender, sex and sexuality in relevant workplace and classroom settings
  • Increasing their understanding and application of inclusive language, visibility, UNSW policy, services and resources
  • Increasing their confidence to harness personal strengths and capabilities to actively support and uplift the voices of LGBTIQ+ communities, by using practical tools, concepts and real-life scenarios and experiences


  • LGBTIQ+ History 
  • Personal Experiences of LGBTIQ+ Representation
  • LGBTIQ+ Diversity 
  • Breaking the Binary: Trans and Gender Diverse Communities & Intersex
  • Inclusive Language & Pronouns
  • Coming Out, Being Out and Inviting In
  • Allyship and the importance of the ally@UNSW Network 
  • Using Your Tools: UNSW and Community Supports & Services 
  • In Real Life Classroom & Workplace Scenario Activities 
  • Lived Experience Panel 

Once you complete the workshop, you will be required to complete a survey to confirm your ally@UNSW membership. We encourage all participants to become members of the ally@UNSW Network but understand that it’s not suitable for everyone. See more information about the roles of an ally@UNSW. 

This workshop will be held on Tuesday 24 October, from 9:30am-12:30pm. The workshop will be held in person but at this stage the venue is still to be confirmed.

Please click the button below to register.

Please note that due to the interactive, confidential nature of in-person training sessions, recordings are not available.