30 May, 2018

World No Tobacco Day

Four years ago, on World No Tobacco Day 2014, a line was drawn in the sand when we made UNSW entirely smoke free.

UNSW was one of the first Universities in Australia to go entirely smoke free.

In the 4 years since that day, the UNSW health promotion and wellbeing community has helped create a cultural and social shift in the way tobacco is viewed. It’s now hard to imagine people smoking at in our University cafes, food areas or public spaces.

17 May, 2018

Get healthy at work - free check-ups

UNSW is participating in the NSW Government's Get Healthy at Work program in 2018. Free face-to-face Brief Health Checks for staff members are being rolled out across the University. Health checks take approximately 15 minutes and involve a few short questions and a waist measurement. No blood or other samples are required. 
