Use Your Fork Power to Feel Happier - and Change the World

There are so many aspects of diet that affect how we feel in our bodies and minds - from the type of carbohydrate, to alcohol, to disordered eating. There are also endless opportunities for us to connect with other humans, animals and nature through nutrition - from choosing fair trade, free-range and organic. 

Come and join Dr. Rebecca Reynolds online on Monday 16 October from 12pm to discuss how you can use your fork's power to feel happier - and change the world for the better (the two are inter-linked!). 

We're mindful that you don't have long for lunch. Rebecca will speak for 25 minutes followed by an optional 15-minute Q&A session. 

Dr. Rebecca Reynolds is all about conscious and compassionate eating - for yourself, and for other beings and the planet. She is an adjunct lecturer at UNSW's School of Population Health, a nutrition counsellor and a wholehearted human.

Registrations close at 9am, 16th October 2023

This event is brought to you as part of Mental Health Month – The ME in Mental Health, to explore ways you can keep mentally healthy. Check out the website covering all things Mental Health Month at UNSW here.

Content Warning: Conversations about mental health can sometimes be difficult but you don’t need to face it alone. For students, find the support you need through UNSW’s Mental Health Connect, to help you find the best support services for your situation. For staff, call Benestar on 1300 360 364, or visit our Benestar webpage here for more information on the support services available.