Real Talk at UNSW: a conversational approach supporting staff and students

There is no perfect way to start a conversation regarding mental health and wellbeing, however, starting a conversation is the first step.

The headspace University Support Program is hosting a short, practical workshop on how to have relevant, safe and supportive conversations with people in the university who are experience mental health difficulties.

We welcome any UNSW staff member, regardless of your role.

Who is the workshop for?

UNSW staff who:

  • Have not completed the Mental Health First Aid course
  • Are interested in learning how to have safe and supportive conversations to support the mental health of students and staff
  • Wish to learn about support services available (including at UNSW)

This workshop will:

  • Introduce you to the NIP it in the bud framework
  • Notice changes in a person's mood or behaviours that may indicate mental health difficulties
  • Inquire how to start a conversation to ask if someone is okay
  • Provide timely and appropriate support
  • Support services that are available at the local, state and national level including UNSW support services
  • Case studies to discuss and explore how to apply the NIP it in the bud framework in practice


This session will be delivered by a webinar online and will not be recorded.

Please note:

Once you have registered here, you will receive an automated email confirmation from Eventbrite that contains the Teams Meeting link and passcode to join on the day. Please check your junk email box if you do not receive the email shortly after registering.

Need more information?


Download the framework:


The headspace University Support Program has received grant funding from the Australian Government under its National Suicide Prevention Leadership and Support Program.