R U OK? Day is Thursday 10 September and the message of R U OK? Day in 2020 is 'There's More to Say After "R U OK?"'. 

Have you noticed that something is not quite right with someone you know? It might be a friend or a colleague, or a family member. If you feel like something has changed or there might be something going on in someone's life, trust your gut instinct and take the time to have a conversation with them. For tips on what to look out for and how to have a conversation, click here.

R U OK? Day at UNSW

UNSW has been marking R U OK? Day every year for the past several years with a range of events on campus.

Virtual All-Staff Town Hall

This year, we are moving R U OK? Day online, with a live virtual Town Hall for all staff from 10am-11.30am. Hosted by UNSW Disability Champion Dr Alanya Drummond, the Town Hall featured a talk by R U OK? Community Ambassador Lillian Davidson. Lillian  spoke about her own experience with mental illness and recovery, and how to have an R U OK? conversation with someone who is struggling. Lillian's talk was from 10am-11am including a Q&A session moderated by Alanya Drummond.

We also heard from Meredith McInnes of Benestar (UNSW's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider) who outlined the suppport services available to staff and their immediate family members. The Benestar briefing and moderated Q&A ran from 11am-11.30am.

The Town Hall was held via Teams Live. To view a recording of the event, click here.

Virtual Gratitude Tree

This year we will have a virtual Gratitude Tree. Sometimes, we can forget about the good things we have in our lives and how lucky we are to have them. It can be helpful to spend a few moments each day thinking about what we are grateful for. It might be something we are grateful for in general, like having good health and a roof over our heads, or it might be something we are grateful for that happened today, like the person who pushed the button for us at the pedestrian crossing when our hands were full. Being appreciative of these moments in our lives has been shown to have a positive impact on our mental health.

To access the Virtual Gratitude Tree and place a sticky note showing what you're grateful for this R U OK? Day, click here. (If you haven't used Miro before it will ask you to create a free account.)

Virtual Backgrounds and Email Signatures

In the lead up to R U OK? Day, and on the day itself, you can show your support by changing your virtual background in Teams and Zoom meetings. Click here for resources you can use for your virtual backgrounds, and banners for your email signature block.


R U OK? Day Schedule - Thursday 10 September 2020

All-Staff Virtual Town Hall

Host: Dr Alanya Drummond, UNSW Disability Champion
Guest: Lillian Davidson, R U OK? Community Ambassador
Guest: Meredith McInnes, Benestar Senior Customer Relationship Manager

10am-11am - Introduction by Dr Alanya Drummond and presentation by R U OK? Community Ambassador Lillian Davidson
                      Q&A moderated by Dr Alanya Drummond

11am-11.30am - Benestar briefing by Meredith McInnes
                           Q&A moderated by Dr Alanya Drummond

The Town Hall will be held via Teams Live and registration is essential.

To register, please click here.

Virtual Gratitude Tree

All day

Virtual Backgrounds

All day